Comprehensive Wound Care Products

Comprehensive Wound Care Products

If you have any experience with wound care, you know how important every single step is in managing and protecting the wound, avoiding infection, and promoting healing.

Regardless of the type of wound—whether it’s surgical, traumatic, burn, or ulcerative—the area has to be kept clean and disinfected. Bandages have to be changed regularly to keep the area dry and to monitor progress. You may have to apply certain topical solutions to clean the area, protect it against infection, or manage an infection if one does occur.

Helios carries a comprehensive selection of products for managing wounds. Our extensive wound-care inventory includes

• gauzes
• tapes
• waterproof dressings
o elastic
o foam
o petroleum
• packing strips
• antibacterial ointments
• washes
• sterile water
• saline
• iodine
• peroxide

Getting you the right products is job 1.

But if you’re facing a medical concern that includes wound care and management, we’re also here to help you follow your medical team’s guidance. It can be hard for non-medical laypeople to navigate ongoing medical management. An issue as complicated and important as wound care needs to be properly managed. We’re here to help.

And if you have a venous stasis ulcer, please come see us for specialized compression. Our experts can help maintain long-term health and mitigate the potential recurrence of the ulcer.

Of course, we understand the financial concerns of wound care. Because virtually every aspect of wound care must be disposable, you go through a lot of supplies, and quickly.

Our inventory is competitively priced against other local pharmacies. We’re not just a niche specialty store; we aim to be a destination. Carrying ample supplies at reasonable prices is part of what sets us apart.

Helios is designed to be southwest Florida’s one-stop shop for medical supplies, whether it’s home health equipment, ADL, mobility solutions, or disposable wound-care products. We hope that while you’re here for parts and accessories, you’re able to easily stock up on bandages, gauze, and topical applications, too.

If you’re in Sarasota-Manatee or the greater Tampa Bay region, Helios has the supplies, equipment and expertise that you need to navigate your ongoing medical situation.

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