Ordering Compression Items

Welcome to our online store for purchasing compression garments. If this is your first experienceordering compression products from us, we strongly recommend you visit, email, or phone us prior toyour purchase. We will ensure that you receive the correct product for your specific condition. Here area few notes to help guide your purchase:

  1. Measure charts differ by company, so you may fit into a different size in our garment than the oneyou are currently wearing. Measure charts are included in product descriptions. Do not “size up”your garments; you will not be in the accurate compression or containment (see below) that isnecessary for proper compression therapy.
  2. Product collections are available in 15-20, 20-30, and 30-40 mmHg compression levels. 15-20 isconsidered therapeutic (or preventive) compression. If directed by your physician, you most likelyneed 20-30 compression. You must provide us with a physician script before we can provide youwith a 30-40 mmHg compression garment. Open or close toe options do not impact effectivenessof garment.
  3. Containment of a compression garment is rarely discussed, but is just as important ascompression. Containment is what helps prevent swelling (edema). If containment is not correct,your garment will not be effective, regardless of compression (you cannot squeeze your way outof a problem). If your garment hurts you after wearing for a period of time (especially knee high),the containment in your garment is not correct. This is a prevalent problem of many low-costcompression garments.
Compression Socks and Medical Supplies

Our Specialty

To be effective, your compression must have a proper fit, compression, and containment. This is our specialty!

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